Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – Instead of waiting in lines and rummaging through dusty archives as much as one hundred years old, all the data from the Banja Luka land record will soon be possible to download from the comfort of one’s own home, with just a few clicks of the computer mouse.

As we found out, as soon as in June, maybe in July, first data from the land record will be on the web site of the Banja Luka Basic Court, symbolically turning the new page in the ground reform of the obsolete system of land records.

Assisted by international assets, throughout the courts of the RS, data from the land records are being transferred in electronic form, in order to establish a unified data base. That should be only an introduction in a more long term project of complete ordering of condition in land records, including also restoration of mostly ruined buildings of land record offices.

Similar project of publishing data from the land records to the global network, last year was started in Sarajevo, where for now to the internet was published still only a smaller part of the archives. Similar, according to Milan Tegeltija, president of the Banja Luka Basic Court , can be expected with them, since it is about complicated and slow process of transferring data in electronic form.

“In the beginning, citizens will be able only to inform themselves on what they are interested in, in one part of the land records which we so far transferred in the electronic form, while true benefits will come for the citizens once the law defines the electronic stamp and signature”, said Tegeltija and pointed out that internet revolution will soon be followed also by modernization of the buildings of the land record department of the Court.

At the same time, in the Ministry of Justice it is worked, by quickened pace, on preparation of more modern law on land records which would, finally, introduce in the law the category of floor ownership, since the current act does not recognise the form of ownership which came to being by privatization of flats.

Džerard Selman, minister of justice, points out that registration of floor ownership is now a big problem, by through amendments of the law that problem too will become the matter of our past.

According to his estimation, reform of land records, started by transfer of data from cadastre to land record offices and by computerization, already gives certain results. However, as he says, the biggest attention is directed to land record office of the Banja Luka Court, which is the biggest and at the same time the most burdened in the RS.