Dnevni avaz: Data of the Federal Administration for Inspection Affairs on numerous irregularities in the warehouses where commodity reserves are situated, alarmed the Government of the FBiH, who put in charge the director of the Directorate of Commodity Reserves, Tončo Bavarka, to take over drafting of the change of the Law on Commodity Reserves, which was worked on so far by the Ministry of Trade.

I did not attend the session when that decision was adopted; I received information on that from the office of the Prime Minister, Nedžad Branković. That is why I am going to ask to meet him, because the work of the Directorate has to be changed from the ground, and I do not know whether the government wants it – explained Bavarka.

He points out that commodity reserves have to be properly stored with respect of the deadlines for procurement and renewal.

They have to provide us with the possibility to procure commodities our selves, to be in a VAT system, to have our customs number. That way we will be competitive in the market and we will not have to pay for the services to the firms who in our name import commodities, and at the same time they raise prices – says Bavarka.

He adds that the government put him in charge of forming again the council which would supervise the work of the commodity reserves.

Besides me, the council will consist of representatives of the ministry of trade, health, energy, agriculture and finances who will be able to decide only on the part of the goods related to their department. Ministries sent the names of their representatives and now it is up to the Government to accept the proposal – explained Bavarka.