: The Federal minister of finances, Vjekoslav Bevanda, today said that in the budget of the Federation of BiH currently there is not enough money for all obligations, which will cause salaries to be late for all who are financed from the budget.

Bevanda, today at the press conference in Sarajevo, said that of necessary 100 million KM for payment of salaries to budget users and for some other budget items in the budget, currently there is only 15 million KM, after yesterday’s payment of disability provisions.

He pointed out that such situation happened because many budget users create obligations which need to be financed, and are not stipulated by the budget.

Ministers were left until Friday to reduce priorities of their ministries, and we will then react and I think that restructuring of the budget is needed, said Bevanda.

He stressed that after the necessary money is gathered, payment to budget users will be done according to priorities.