Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Unions of the employees in state institutions will not give up the announced strike until their salaries are increased by around 40 per cent, announced yesterday Neđo Đurđić, member of the Coordination board of the union of the institutions of BiH.

“We demand increase in salaries by around 40 per cent for all the employees in the state institutions. Only then we will be in an equal position with the employees of entity and other lower levels of authority. Parliament of BiH accepted certain amendments by which salaries of civil servants and border police officers are increased, but we do not give up strike until all of our demands are met”, said Đurđić.

The Coordination board of the union of the employees of 61 state institutions is unsatisfied with partial acceptance of their demands. Parliamentary Commission for finances and budget on Thursday approved increase in salaries only to the part of employees in institutions of BiH and to the employees of the Border Police.

“We cannot accept any partial solutions. Equally hard job have police officers in SIPA and in Border Police. That is why they have to have the same salaries. That is related to all other employees of state institutions, because for the same work place with the same education requirements we all should have the same salaries”, said Đurđić. He announces that the unions will ask the Council of Ministers and the BiH Parliament to immediately adopt the decision on increase of salaries by around 40 per cent.

“We demanded increase of salaries starting from March. We were flexible when they clarified to us that drafting of the law on salaries in institutions of BiH was ongoing. Today we witness that this law, even if it is adopted soon, will not solve our existential problems”, Đurđić pointed out.

The House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament will discuss next week the final version of the law on salaries in institutions of BiH. According to the proposed law the biggest salaries will have the members of the Presidency, the members of the Council of Ministers and the Parliament of BiH, and they should amount to 6.000 KM and more.

Audit Office: To auditors salaries much less than 6.000 KM

The Office for Audit of Institutions of BiH confuted yesterday the information that managers of this institution, if the proposed law on salaries in institutions of BiH is adopted, will have salaries bigger than 6.000 KM.

“Quotient for calculation of salary of the main auditor is 8.4, which means that they will have salary much less than 6.000 KM. Also, basic, internationally accepted, postulates of audit of public sector stipulate insurance of full organisational, functional and financial independence of supreme audit institutions, which among other things imply also the right of self regulation of salaries and remuneration of their employees in a way equal to that for judicial institutions, and that is already regulated and harmonised on the level of three audit institutions of public sector in BiH by the Law on Audit of Institutions of BiH. Inclusion of the Audit Office in the stated draft law presents a serious step back, in a sense of the achieved independence of the bodies in charge for supervision of the public sector”, stated the release of the Audit Office.