Večernji list: Although the BH authorities are boasting with the achieved progress in the public administration reform, official data gathered by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH show that that process is unfolding rather slowly, especially in the FBiH.
Action plan
By the end of last year, only 18.43 per cent of the measures stipulated by the Action Plan and the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform have been implemented. The biggest progress, 22.13 per cent, has been achieved in the area of human resources management, while the least measures, only 13.44 per cent, has been implemented in the area of information technologies. The authorities in the FBiH should be worried over the fact that the public administration reform in that entity in all six reform areas lags behind the reforms in the RS and the Brčko District. In none of the six reform areas in the FBiH the implementation of the planned measures is over 18 per cent. The most has been done in the human resource management, where 17.59 per cent of the measures have been implemented. Bad results are in the area of policy making and coordination capacities. The FBiH in that area achieved only 7.16 per cent of the stipulated measures, which is by 50 per cent less than in the RS.
Setback in administration
Even worst results are in the reform of administrative procedure, where only 4.83 per cent of planned was implemented. As comparison, in that area in the RS 17.47 per cent, and in Brčko 17.68 per cent of the measures have been realised.
Nevertheless, the worst results of the public administration reform are in the area of information technologies.
On the level of the FBiH only two per cent of the planned measures have been implemented. On the other side, the RS in that area achieved 21.50 per cent of the foreseen, and the Brčko District even more, 26.50 per cent. The implementation of reform measures in the two remaining areas, public finances and institutional communications, in the RS is more than double.
The biggest expenses of incomes of employees of public administration in relation to gross domestic product in the region and twice as much than average in the EU countries. Annual expenses of incomes in the public administration would be around 300 million KM less, if the level of income of all the employees in that segment in BiH could be harmonised with the regional average in relation to average incomes of all the employees.