Dnevni avaz: The Council of Ministers did nor reach a consensus yesterday on the Information of the Ministry of Finances and Treasury on the problem of financing of Institute for Missing Persons of BiH, whose employees for four months already did not receive salaries, neither they were paid the hot meal provisions or pension insurance.
This information was directed for harmonisation, although yesterday nobody could give a concrete explanation what did that imply.
In the Information it was stated that the payment of salaries and remunerations for employees of the Institute was made impossible because of disaccord between the amount of salaries and the Decision on the manner of calculation of salaries and remunerations of the employees of the Council of Ministers. In the Institute they point out that it cannot be allowed that investigators in the field, who spend their work hours in the mass graves, are compared and put in the same plain with the state clerks, and they will not accept something like that.
If by Monday we do not receive confirmation that our salaries will be paid soon, we will file a complaint against the Council of Ministers, but also the criminal reports against everybody in the chain of command who are stopping payment of our salaries, which, obviously, implies that search for missing persons is being influenced to be stopped – told us investigator of the Institute, Sadik Selimović.