Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Commission for Finances and Budget of the House of Representatives of the BH Parliament, yesterday adopted the principles for Proposal of the Law on Salaries and Remunerations in the Institutions of BiH and Proposal of the Law on Fiscal Council of BiH, with standpoint that these are two basic reform laws.
According to the Chairman of the Commission, Sadik Bahtić, the Law on Salaries and Remunerations in the Institutions of BiH should stop misuses in certain agencies in which, because of the lack of rulebook on salaries and systematisation, salaries were extremely high.
“I proposed, and the Commission adopted the principle that as MPs we cannot allow that civil servants and MPs have lesser incomes than employees and MPs on entity and cantonal level”, said Bahtić. Salaries, Bahtić added, should be a motive for MPs and employees in the institutions of BiH to strengthen the state and its institutions.