Nezavisne novine: The laws on establishment of seven new police bodies on the state level do not represent the police reform, but only its first step. This was said yesterday in Brussels by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Nikola Špirić, at the meeting with the political directors of the Peace Implementation Council in BiH (PIC).
“I appeal to you as well to encourage those political options which expressed their dilemmas. It is clear that two laws do not represent the police reform, but it is even more clear that they represent that first step which will not allow us any going back”, said Špirić.
He informed the members of the Management Board of the PIC that the Council of Ministers adopted and sent in the parliamentary procedure two laws on the police reform which would implement the Mostar Declaration. He stressed that these laws were adopted in both Houses of the state parliament in first reading, and expressed expectations that they will be adopted as soon as possible in the second reading as well. Špirić stressed determination of BiH for improvement of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.
He stressed that the authorities of BiH adopted the Action Plan and founded the Public Administration Reform Fund, adopted the law on education, and formed the institutions for application of the Bologna standards in the area of higher education.
“In BiH there are currently different discussions in relation with question of the future of the OHR, which created one unrealistic, artificial picture that one side is a friend, and the other, allegedly the enemy of the OHR, which is an absurd. I think that the most realistic would be to conduct a detailed estimation, see what and how much BiH achieved in the previous period and evaluate whether it is ripe for the next phase. I am convinced that it is”, said Špirić.