Špirić, in his address to the Management Board of the Peace Implementation Council in Brussels, stated that the condition in BiH is now significantly better in comparison with the situation at the time of the last session of the PIC, and that the Council of Ministers of BiH is determined for further integration of BiH in the European Union and full membership in the NATO.
Speaking on the police reform, Špirić informed the MB of the PIC that the Council of Ministers established and directed in the parliamentary procedure the Draft Law on the Directorate for Coordination of the Police Bodies and on Agencies for Support to the Police Structure of BiH and Draft Law on Independent and Supervisory Bodies of the Police Structure of BiH.
“Both Laws have been adopted in first reading in the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH. I expect that the laws in second reading could be on the agenda of the Session of the House of Representatives on March 5", said Špirić.
He stressed that every reform is a matter of process, and not moment, and he appealed to all the elected bearers of authority to choose between the ideal legislation and further integrations, the latter.
He expressed the optimism that reason and responsibility will prevail and that both laws will be adopted in the second reading as well, calling upon the MB of the PIC to encourage "those political options which expressed dilemmas, because it is clear that two laws do not present the police reform, but it is even more clear that they present that first step which will allow us no more going back".
“Common Platform on the Principles and Manner of Implementation of the Action Plan 1 of the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform has been signed in July last year. The Platform ensures political and operative conditions for implementation of this reform", reminded the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH.
Špirić also stressed determination for improvement of cooperation with the Hague tribunal (ICTY).