Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – “Bosnia and Herzegovina still has unacceptably large administrative apparatus, which has 11 percent of the total number of the employed in the state.” Momir Dejanović, president of the Center for Humane Policy said yesterday.
In Banja Luka, Dejanović presented the results of the report on the progress of the Public Administration Reform in BiH, which was done within the project “By faster changes to better public administration in BiH” by the Center for Humane Policy with the support of the Center of Civil Initiatives.
He said that in the public administration in BiH there are 73.744 persons or 11 percent of the total number of the employees in BiH, while in the surrounding countries, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia in this area there is between six and seven percent of the total number of the employees.
“In BiH, in the last four years, there was a trend of increase of employment in the public administration, while in the surrounding countries it was in a mild decrease. The income of the employees of the public administration in BiH, in relation to average incomes of other employees, is larger by 39 percent”, said Dejanović.
He added that if the level of income in the public administration in BiH could be brought on regional average, on that basis 300 million KM could be saved annually. Also according to him, the number of the employees in the public administration could be decreased by 10 percent, which would save around 200 million KM. He said that there is a trend in BiH of increase of public expenditure in relation to GDP. Dejanović pointed out that the results of the poll on employment in institutions of the public administration show that 72 percent of the citizens think that employment there is not fair.
Dejanović said that in BiH there is very small or symbolic progress in the public administration reform and that by the end of the last year only five percent of the activities from the first action plan of the Strategy for the Public Administration Reform has been realised.