Council of Ministers Bosnia and Herzegovina had 3 points regarded to the public administration reform process on its agenda on its 13th session, held at June the 7th, 2007.
In that manner, we are stressing out the following:
- Council of Ministers made decision on approval of 330,000 KM from the budgetary reserves to the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office, for the salaries, allowances and costs of 9 new-employed civil servants, with a view to increased level of activities on PAR Strategy and Action Plan implementation.
- Council of Ministers adopted the Information – the abridgement of the 'Strengthening of BiH capacities for strategic planning and development of policies in BiH' program, and the program document 'Strengthening of capacities for strategic planning and development of policies', together with the proposal of conclusions. The proponent was Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office.
Council of Ministers gave support to the implementation of 'Strengthening of capacities for strategic planning and development of policies' project proposal, with the implementator UNDP BiH.
Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office is obliged to ensure consequent implementation of the goals of PAR Strategy in BiH and implementation of reform measures established by the Action Plan in the phase of diagnostic study, in project's implementation starting stage. Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office will also ensure the coordination and complementary with the SIGMA project activities, strengthening of the capacities of central government's bodies, and the goals and activities on the strengthening of BiH Council of Ministers' organizational and human capacities in the Secretariats of Ministries directed to the strategic planning, development and coordination of the policies.
Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office is obliged to provide final report on the findings of the diagnostic study to the Council of Ministers on deliberation.
Council of Ministers adopted 'Common platform on the principles and aspects of PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 implementation', proposed by Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office.
The Ministries, administrative bodies and administrative organizations, offices, services and bodies of Council of Ministers are obliged to, in the interval of 7 days, deliver the proposition of nominations for the members and deputy members for the 7 Supervisory teams for PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 implementation, to the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office.
Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office is obliged to, in the period not longer than 14 days from the day of determining of this conclusion, secure the proposition of Supervisory teams members' nominations, and to deliver the proposition of decision on Supervisory teams members' nominations to the Council of Ministers.
With a view to the implementation of measures from the PAR Strategy Action Plan 1, the protagonists of activities on preparation of the yearly work program are obliged to insert the measures from the PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 in the yearly work plan of BiH Council of Ministers, in accordance with the Guideline for the procedure of preparation of Council of Ministers work program.
The Ministries, administrative bodies and administrative organizations, as a Budget users, are obliged, in accordance with the regulations, to plan needful financial resources for the realization of duties and activities from the 'Common platform on the principles and aspects of PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 implementation' in procedure of making the document of BiH Institutions framework Budget for the period 2008-2010 and yearly budgets, based on the yearly programs of work.