“Common Platform on the principles and implementation of the PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina” represents the strategic document developed by Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office.

It establishes the principles, manners and mechanisms for implementation of PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 and represents a political and legal basis for cooperation between administrative bodies at all levels of government.

Here you can find and download text of the document, supplementary AP1 measures implementation chart, as well as the Conclusions of Governments on adoption of this document.

No. Ime
1 Common Platform (year 2007)
2 Common Platform Аnnex – Scheme
3 Conclusion of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (year 2007)
4 Conclusion of the Government of the Brcko District Bosnia and Herzegovina (year 2007)
5 Government Conclusion of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (year 2007)
6 Government Conclusion of the RS (year 2007)