The institutions of administration in BiH have from December 31st, 2008. fulfilled 32.62% of measures of the Action plan 1 of the PAR Strategy in BiH.
The Annual report on progress of monitoring of implementation of the Action plan 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy, which has been sent along with the Annual work report of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office on deliberation to the Council of Ministers of BiH, records that the progress in implementation of measures of the Action plan 1 by reform areas has been bigger by 14.19% in relation to the Annual report of 2007.
The biggest progress in implementation in relation to 2007. has been recorded in the reform area Human resources management and it is 16.47%, while the smallest is in the area of Institutional communication – 12.19%. In the area of Policy making and coordination capacities the percent of implementation is bigger by 15.05; in the area of Administrative procedure 14.23; in the area of Public finances 13.85 and in the area of Information technologies 13.33. The progress in implementation of the reform measures is being monitored by so called progress indicator (OVI) which has been developed for this purpose by the PARCO, and which represent the measurable parameters by which the implementation of concrete reform measure has been monitored and valued.
The Public Administration Reform Fund also became operational in 2008., has been notified from the Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office.
The Embassy of the Kingdom of Holland and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) have done the first payments to the account of the Fund. The Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DfID) has for realization of the reform measure Strengthening the central capacities of the Council of Ministers of BiH and the governments, approved the additional 750.000 GBP to the Fund. The Public Administration Reform Fund has in last year approved 11 projects for implementation of reform measures from the Action plan 1, for which the total of 7.183.112,12 KM has been reserved, without calculated tax on added value. The approved projects include all four administrative levels (Council of Ministers of BiH, the Government of the FBiH, the Government of the RS and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH).
The level and quality of cooperation of the PARCO with the representatives of the Government of the FBiH, the RS Government and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, and the Institutions of BiH, has been improved, but there are still some obstacles. The biggest obstacles are in insufficient informing and disconnecting of the PARCO from the activities of changing the law and bylaw acts, by which the fulfillment of agreed reform measures has been directly influenced. Another obstacle relates to providing of the information needed for monitoring and reporting on the reform processes, which is not being done on time. Political coordination confirmed by the Common platform on ways and mechanisms of implementation of the Action plan 1 of the PAR Strategy in 2008., was insufficient. The coordination board for economic development and European integrations has not in 2008. deliberated the implementation of the PAR Strategy in BiH.
Even though the progress in public administration reform has been recorded, which has also been recorded by the European Commission in the Progress report for 2008., the PARCO shares its opinion that "significant further efforts in creating the efficient, professional, stable, responsible and transparent civil service on all the government levels are needed."