The Supervisor for Brčko, Dr. Raffi Gregorian has today issued the Instruction of the supervisor by which the payment of salaries and remunerations to the delegates in the Assembly of the Brčko District has been temporarily canceled, by including the current mayor in technical mandate.

Payments of salaries and remunerations to the delegates in the Assembly of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina which are being paid from the budget of the Brčko District are being immediately canceled as long as the chairman of the Assembly, deputy chairman of the Assembly and the mayor have not been nominated in harmonization with the Constitution of the Brčko District and the Internal rules of the Assembly of the Brčko District.

The elections for the Assembly of the Brčko District have been held on October 5th, 2008., and at those elections the delegates have received a mandate to constitute the new Assembly in an acceptable deadline in order to elect the chairman and deputy chairman of the Assembly and the mayor, so that in harmonization with the Final decision and the Constitution of the Brčko District there can be formed a sustainable and legal governing coalition which supports the District, and that way the conditions to form the new Government would be created. That Government would serve the interests of the District and its citizens.

Despite of the previously given persuasions of all political parties that they will form “the concentration government” composed of all political parties represented in the Assembly, which would be the only performable and sustainable solution, the constitutional session of the Assembly has been convened and broken twice with violation of the Internal rules of the Assembly, but no agreement related to the candidates for positions of the chairman and deputy chairman of the Assembly and a mayor has been reached. Without new government and budget, an additional damage to the District and the trust of citizens in its institutions is being inflicted every day, and this way the life and existence of thousands of people is being negatively influenced, while the Government in its technical mandate still works without parliamentary control.

The delegates of the Assembly of the Brčko District are avoiding their responsibilities, violate the basic regulations from the Internal rules of the Assembly of the Brčko District, and that way they deprave the institutions of the District and bring into a danger the fulfillment of the Final decision, which is one of the goals which have been set last year by the Management board of the Peace Implementation Council, has been notified from the OHR.