At the session, which has been held today in the Brčko District of BiH, members of the Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund have agreed on the need of changes of the Memorandum on Understanding for establishing of the PARF, the document which has previously been signed by the governments of all four government levels in BiH (the Government of the Federation of BiH, the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, the Government of the Republic of Srpska and the Council of Ministers of BiH), as well as donors of the Public Administration Reform Fund. Changes of the Memorandum will be sent to the governments in BiH for deliberation.
The MB Par Fund has unanimously approved the tender documentation for the project "Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH" from the area of Human Resources Management. Goal of the project is to improve the performance of the authorities of civil service through development and implementation of an effective performance management system and results of work which will be applied in the institutions and authorities of governance at different government levels in BiH.
The Terms of References "Improvement of rules and procedures for drafting of laws, other regulations and general acts in BiH" from the area of Policy – making and Coordination capacities has also been unanimously approved. Goal of the project is to establish the best practices and coherent principles and standards for drafting of laws, other regulations and general acts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will contribute to a further improvement of the process of policy development, methodological harmonization of processes of drafting of laws, other regulations and general acts, as well as the improvement of legal system in general.
Approved have also been changes in the Terms of References "Plan of development of central government authorities in BiH – Implementation of the phase I" from the area of Policy-making and Coordination capacities. By realization of this project, the Council of Ministers of BiH, entity governments and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, will be enabled to build a system for creating and coordinating of policies in a coherent and harmonized manner, develop a modern structure, capacities and procedures of policy coordination, and improve the inter-governmental cooperation and performance of central government authorities.
The members of the MB have not deliberated today the changes in Terms of References and tender documentation for the project "Training of civil servants for application of information technologies and work on computers" from the area of Human Resources Management.