Valentin Inzko, the EU High Representative, Stefan Feller, Head EU Police Mission in BiH Stefan Feller, and Boris Iarochevitch, Charge d'Affaires of the Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina sent a joint letter to the Nikola Špirić, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers regarding the fulfillment of the remaining conditions for the visa liberalization process .
The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina at its session held on 14 July 2010. year, has not adopted the Rulebook on Internal Organization and Systematization of the Directorate for Coordination of Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which representes one of the conditions within the dialogue on visa liberalization. Failure to adopt the regulations by the Council of Ministers could postpone the decision of the Council and European Parliament to liberalizevisa regime for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
To prevent side effects, recalls and calls on the Council of Ministers to secure a deal on the adoption of the Regulations before 31 August,. It is the deadline within the visa liberalization dialogue to which Bosnia and Herzegovina should submit updated information in the form of reports to the European Commission, has notified by the European Commission Delegation to BiH.