After the third cycle of implementation of the system for quality management in the civil service, i.e. the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office previously applied for the prestigious label “Efficient user of CAF” at the Regional School for public administration (ReSPA).

The organization has the right to be awarded this mark after a successfully implemented external feedback (PEF) procedure, which ensures the standardized application of the CAF tool throughout Europe. As part of the external feedback procedure for the designation “Efficient user of CAF”, on September 4, 2024, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office was visited by External Feedback Actors (EFAC) Dalibor Ćopić from the Agency for State Administration of the RS and Staša Sihrovski from the Directorate for the European integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During their visit to the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, they had several conversations with employees in the Office, management, partners, service users, etc.

This is an important step towards obtaining the designation “Efficient user of CAF”, and the final decision is made by the Regional Center for Quality Management of the Regional School for Public Administration. We remind you that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Civil Service Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina have received the same designation.