A scientific and expert conference “Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina – priorities and challenges” was held today at the Faculty for Administration – associate member of the University in Sarajevo.
The gathering was attended by eminent participants from the academic community, led by the rector, vice-rector and professors of the University in Sarajevo, and there were managers and their most accountable associates from all the relevant institutions from the field of public administration reform: Office of the Special Representative of the EU in BiH, the Regional School for Public Administration from Montenegro, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and the Directorate for European Integration of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Ministry of Justice of BiH, the Ministry of Justice of the KS, the Civil Service Agency of BiH, the Civil Service Agency of the FBiH, the Constitutional Court of the FBiH, the representation of the German GIZ in Sarajevo, the Transparency International BiH, the Centre of Civil Initiatives and a few units of local self-administration.
The public administration reform is one of the key conditions and initiators of the European integration of BiH and a precondition of a more quality regulation of the overall social development.
It was pointed out, at the conference that without a proper public administration, it would not be possible to make BiH a competitive in the processes of European integration.
A strong and clear political support is needed in order to finalise the new Strategic framework for public administration reform and to have it implemented at all the levels of a complex constitutional structure of government. For that, in addition to an organisation reform, it is very important to also clearly define the reform of the system of public servants as a whole, emphasising the civil service. Such system would follow functional European standards and practices implemented in our reformed legislation, with emphasis on depoliticising the public administration and preferring excellence in executing public affairs.
Finally, modernisation and rationalisation of the process laws would be an important tool of such reformed service.
Scientific and expert works and conclusions from the conference, unified in a theme issue of the scientific magazine “Uprava”, are in important guide at the moment of preparation of the key strategic and legal acts from the field of public administration reform and giving answers to the questions from the Questionnaire of the European Commission in the process of the European integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(Source: Avaz)