“Measuring performance and its linking with system of indicators is integral part of quality and efficiency of modern policy making process. Experiences of developed countries show how much the performance measuring system, especially in the area of budgeting, is significant for efficiency and effectiveness of work of public administration” – was one of the conclusions of this year’s Public Administration Institute.
International summer institute on public administration, entitled “Measuring performance in public administration”, was held on August 24-29 in Tukums, Republic of Latvia. Organized by the State Chancellery of the Republic of Latvia and the School for Public Administration, the Institute was designed as an intensive course with an objective of providing practical and theory knowledge to the attendees. This year’s institute, fourth in a row, was directed to strengthening strategic planning and capacities for measuring performance of civil servants, all with an objective of establishing efficiency and professionalism in public administration.
“Problems in public administration and every day work of civil servants are the same in every country. Independent from culture, tradition, administrative system, every country and its administration face difficulties and challenges, especially in relation to financing and budget policy. Therefore, performance measuring system and system of budgeting on the basis of performance, based on a system of indicators, presents extremely important tool for overcoming those problems in modern administrations”, was pointed out at work sessions. System of indicators creates a good basis for monitoring progress and success in execution of work policies, financing of work of institutions, as well as the performance of employees. During work sessions there were presentations of theoretical concepts from this area, as well as examples of their application in practice. Also, by the case studies from the United States of America, Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Latvia, Finland, the attendees were presented with the examples of good practice and experiences in application of performance measuring, as well as the problems encountered in everyday work of public administration.
This event presented an opportunity for establishment of cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experiences of participants. It was also an attempt of initiative of linking different European administrative systems and traditions, and all with an objective of promoting modern standards of administration and improvement of its functioning. In light of that initiative of linking and cross-border exchange of experiences, this year’s institute was attended by representatives of 10 states – Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Ireland, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The only representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina was from the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and on that occasion there was a presentation of our country through the prism of public administration reform and the newest events in that field. You can see the presentation here.
Target group of this institute were young managers of medium and senior level, employed in public administration, as experts for planning and policy making from the NGO sector and ministries of countries members of the European Union and potential candidates. Intended as means for improvement of knowledge of attendees – civil servants and enabling application of acquired knowledge in practice, the Institute covered the following subjects:
- Religion of measuring – why and how we measure the performance;
- System of performance indicators;
- Link of performance management and the policy making process;
- Distinguishing inputs, outputs, outcomes and effects;
- Measuring progress and efficiency in public administration.
Attendees deemed the Institute as extremely successful and beneficial, and it has been pointed out that the acquired knowledge will by all means be applied in future work. For the next year, the 5th institute was announced, which would again deal with public administration, with focus on some other problems.
More information on this event can be found on the web page of the Summer Institute www.summerinstitute.eu