The Germans for now are not going to introduce the scanners which detect if you carry forbidden things to the plane, because those scanners are undressing you up to your naked skin. The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wolfgang Schaeuble has refused the initiative of the European Commission, around which the several previous days a vivid discussion has been led, reports Deutsche Welle.
Paying the alimentation
At the summit in Luxemburg it has also been deliberated the question when and under which conditions divorced spouses who live in different countries of the European Union must pay the alimentation to their ex married partners and children. In the future, by moving it will not be possible to avoid the obligation of paying the alimentation. Judicial demand for alimentation, regardless the fact from which country the member of the EU comes from, must be respected, without additional check of the Court of another country. For that purpose the special offices will be established. In Germany, the Federal office for jurisdiction in Bonn will be authorized for this.
These scanners show to the officials on the screen a complete body of passenger which is being viewed and naked on the screen. The European Commission has interceded introduction of these scanners, because that way it is easier to detect if the passengers carry weapon, drug or other forbidden things. In Amsterdam and London, these scanners are already in use. Critiques because of their use have become so loud that the Commissioner of the European Union for jurisdiction, Jacques Barrot had to explain the things:
"It has been let to the passenger to decide if they want to be viewed by this scanner. They can choose one of the several ways of control. They can choose a scanner, but it is not an obligation, it is only one of possibilities".
Each country of the European Union decides by itself if it will use these scanners or not. To the minister of foreign affairs the worry is being raised by the fact that drug trade has been enormously increased which comes to Europe from the West Africa. This African region has become a skeleton for the trade of narcotic drugs, which have been produced in the whole world. This is being supported by the fact that the European Union cannot lean on the African police, which itself is being involved in the drug trade.
This is exactly the area in which the ministers of the European Union want to strengthen the cooperation with the countries of the West Africa. The presiding at the European Union, French Minister of Internal Affairs, Michele Alliot Marie says: "The drug trade destabilizes the countries of Africa even more. It is clear that this brings up a lot of money. This actually, has enormous consequences for this continent, which is right in front of our door."