The Pan-European Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Human Brotherhood Foundation, is organizing an international conference entitled “Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans on the road to the European Union”, which will be held from September 27 to 29 in Ljubuški, Hotel Bigeste.

The topics of the international conference are: “A decade of challenges and new opportunities for BiH”, “European and Balkan peace”, “Regional cooperation and EU integration”, “Transformation policies in the 21st century”.

About the mentioned topics, together with academician prof. Ph.D. Msgr. Franje Topić, Acting the President of the Pan-European Union of BiH and the President of the Board of Directors of the Ljudsko bratstvo Foundation, numerous respected experts, professors, politicians and excellencies will speak.

Attendance at the conference was confirmed by about 80 guests, representatives of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the European Union, the academic community from European countries and Bosnia and Herzegovina, international organizations, and other experts in the field of European integration from Europe and Bosnia and Herzegovina.