The City of Ljubuški and the Agency for Identification Documents, Records and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) signed an Agreement on permanent access to data through a web service, which opens up new opportunities for administrative procedures.

This agreement, signed on August 21th, provides permanent access to data from the records technically managed and maintained by IDDEEA.

Ultimately, this means that the City of Ljubuški will directly access the above-mentioned records maintained by the IDDEEA, in compliance with all legal regulations, and in this way it will be easier and faster for the parties to resolve the administrative procedures that they initiate before the city services.

The introduction of new technologies and digital procedures improves public services, which thereby become faster and more efficient to the satisfaction of citizens, as well as civil servants who work on these administrative procedures, thus it contributes to the reduction of unnecessary crowds, and at the same time increases the level of transparency and efficiency.

The City of Ljubuški, in accordance with the legal possibilities, will continue the started activities of digitizing public administration and raising the quality of public administration work.