Measuring progress in the implementation of the Action Plan for Public Administration Reform shows that by the end of 2023, a total of 15.79 percent of the Action Plan’s activities have been implemented.
The progress in 2023 is 1.48 percent higher compared to the measured progress in the first half of 2023, and by 1.79 percent compared to the measured progress at the end of 2022.
It is about relative progress, which is calculated as an average of the achieved progress of the administrative levels. The action plan contains defined indicators for BiH as a whole, and for example, with binary indicators, it is necessary for all levels of government to complete the activity in order for it to be considered fulfilled, observing the progress achieved in relation to the fulfillment of indicators for the whole of BiH in 2023, 7.35 percent has been fulfilled activities, which represents an improvement of 0.74 percent compared to the half-yearly reporting period. 9.55 percent of the activities were partially completed, which represents an improvement of 1.46 percent compared to the half-yearly reporting period.
Observed by levels of administration, in 2023 the institutions of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina fully implemented 20 or 15 percent of the activities from the Action plan, which is one percent more than in the previous reporting period. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina partially implemented seven percent of the activities, while 78 percent of the activities from the Action plan remained unfulfilled.
In accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, in the coming period it is necessary to revise the action document, as well as to finalize essential steps to improve the overall functioning of the public administration by establishing a professional and depoliticized civil service and a coordinated approach to policy making at the level of the entire country.
Organizing a modern public administration that will ensure and respect the principles of the European administrative space, contribute to the successful process of accession to the European Union, while respecting the public interest and meeting the needs of citizens and businesses with quality, is the vision of the Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018-2027.
Although in 2023, according to the assessment of the European Commission, “certain progress was achieved” in the reform of public administration, BiH is still in the “early stage of preparation”, and the priority of the Opinion of the European Commission on the application for EU membership, which points out that it is necessary “to complete the necessary steps in the reform of the public administration with the aim of improving the overall functioning of the public administration by ensuring a professional depoliticized civil service and a coordinated approach in creating policies throughout the country”.
Positive developments according to the Commission’s assessment are first of all the adoption of the Common Platform on the principles and method of implementation of public administration reform in BiH, which formally established coordination in this area, including the body in charge of political coordination.
Among the positive developments, the European Commission highlights the implementation of comprehensive, nationwide management of public finances, the improvement of capacity for public consultations at the state level, the assessment of the impact of regulations in the Republika Srpska, and the adoption of a strategy for human resources management in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with the improvement of professional development and evaluation of results of work in FBiH and at the state level, as well as the adoption of the Law on Freedom of Access to Information at the state level, with the aim of proactive publication of information and transparency.
The report covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023 and shows the progress in the implementation of the goals, measures and activities of the Action plan for Public Administration Reform, announced the Government Office for Public Relations of FBiH.