Representatives of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), which also includes the Regional Quality Management Center (RQMC), decided to award the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the “CAF Effective User” certificate.
This certificate confirms that the work processes and results of the Ministry’s activities are based on the principles of excellence defined by the good practices of the European Union.
The Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) announced that the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina has successfully passed the PEF procedure of public administration reform and has been awarded with the CAF certificate for three years.
– We are awarding the “CAF Effective User” label to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We believe that this recognition once again confirms the Ministry’s commitment to achieving excellence – the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) announced.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be entered into the EUPAN database of institutions that have been assigned the CAF designation of the effective user.
The European Public Administration Network (EUPAN) is an informal network of chief executives responsible for public administration in European Union member states and observer states.
The network collaborates to achieve quality public services and public administrations in Europe.
The goal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the organization’s work by applying this tool, but also to involve the general public in the transparent work of the Ministry.
CAF is the first European quality management tool specially designed for the public sector and developed by the public sector.
It is a general, simple, accessible model, easy to use and intended for all public sector organizations. It deals with all aspects of organizational excellence and strives for continuous improvement.
The Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) is a regional organization founded in 2010, as a joint initiative funded by the European Commission and the administrations of the Western Balkans.
ReSPA is a regional center that helps governments in the Western Balkans navigate the complex path of public administration reform, announced the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office provided support to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the implementation of the CAF system.