In cooperation with the coordinators for public administration reform in BiH, all four administrative levels, and with the coordination of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH and the technical support of the EU4PAR project, a workshop was held in Sarajevo for civil servants – representatives of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Brčko District of BiH.
At the beginning of the workshop, the attending coordinators addressed the participants and pointed out that the focus is on two components of the project, which relate to the development of government policies, strategic planning, improvement of the organization, and managerial accountability.
Reform in this area, and through the implementation of planned project activities, should improve the planning system in the Council of Ministers of BiH, entity governments and Brčko District of BiH, managerial accountability, organization of administration and strategic planning of governments.
In addition to the coordinator for public administration reform from the institutions of BiH, Darko Kasap, the workshops were attended by the deputies of that administrative level, Miloš Golijanin and Amira Mašović, as well as the coordinator for the PAR of the Republika Srpska Aleksandar Šuvak and deputy Mikan Davidović, as well as the coordinator for the PAR of Brčko District of BiH Davor Šolaja and representatives of the EU4PAR project, as well as representatives of institutions: General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of BiH; Directorates for European Integration, Directorates for Economic Planning of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ministry of Justice of BiH, Office for Legislation of the Council of Ministers of BiH; BiH Civil Service Agency, RS Government Secretariat, RS Government Legislation Secretariat, RS Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation, RS Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government, RS State Administration Agency, FBiH Civil Service Agency, Federal Ministry of Justice, Federal Institute for Development Programming, FBiH Government Office for Legislation and Compliance with the Legal Acquis, FBiH Government Office for European Integration, General Secretariat of the Government of BD; Department for Public and Administrative Affairs of BD BiH, Legislative Office of the Mayor of BD; Department for European Integration and International Cooperation of BD BiH.
The EU4PAR project is implemented through the IPA instrument.