With the support of the Directorate for European Integration (DEI) in organizing and logistics, a meeting between the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and the French Directorate General for Administration and Civil Service (DGAFP), the School of Public Administration (ENA) and the General Secretariat for European Affairs (SGAE) was held.
They discussed the possibilities of French support for public administration reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the light of BiH’s recently obtained candidate status for EU membership. Darko Kasap, coordinator for public administration reform, presented the work of the Coordinator’s Office, the current course of reform in BiH, current activities and initial proposals for possible French support in the process of public administration reform.
The representatives of France spoke about their areas of activity and the possibilities of future cooperation with the Office and other participants in the PAR process.
It was agreed that in the coming period the PARCO will prepare a list of needs (expert support, trainings, workshops, exchange of experiences, study visits, etc.), which will be discussed in detail at the next meetings.
In addition to the coordinator, the deputy coordinators, Amira Mašović and Miloš Golijanin, as well as the heads of units Aneta Raić and Nedžib Delić participated in the meeting. In addition to the representatives of France who joined directly from Paris via video link, the meeting was also attended by Anais Girard, attaché for cooperation of the French Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Paul-Alexis Berthezene, advisor for EU integration in DEI, as well as Armin Spahić, senior expert associate for political criteria and coordination of the SAA process.