Estonia is one of the most advanced countries in the world when it comes to the development of digital society. The first steps towards the digital transformation of the public sector were made in 1994 by creating a strategic development plan entitled “Principles of Estonian Information Policy” which defines the development of digital technologies. Today, 30 years later, Estonia offers 99 percent of public services electronically, and is working hard on improvements with the help of artificial intelligence. Electronic signature is used by 98 percent of the population, because in 2002, electronic identification and electronic identity card became mandatory for all citizens.
Ukraine is clearly committed to a digital development strategy at the state level, which it considers a priority, and the Ministry for Digital Transformation was formed. More than 21.7 million registered users use digital public services through a single portal (Diia). The Diia portal enables the fastest company registration in the world – it only takes 2 seconds to become an entrepreneur in Ukraine and 30 minutes to establish a limited liability company.
The centralized state portal for electronic public administration in Serbia is divided into three types of users: citizens, the economy and the state. The e-Citizens in Croatia portal offers many digital services. Some of them are the registration of a newborn child and marriage, access to documents from registers, services of the social protection system, access to information of the health system, communal services, and cadastre and land register services. In addition, it is possible to register a company, register tourists or industrial property via the Internet. Albania has one of the most developed digital government portals in the Balkans (e-Albania). In December last year, this portal had more than 16 million visits and more than two million used services.
(Taken from USAID e-government project newsletter)