Pushers of civil society in the Western Balkans for reformed public administration – WeBER 3.0 is a regional project which is lasting three and a half years, with the worth of 1.4 million euros, financed by the European Union, represented by the European Commission, and co-financed by the Austrian Development Agency. The project implementation period is February 2023 – July 2026.
A total of 280,000 euros was allocated for the Small Grants Program to support up to 20 grants, each worth up to 14,000 euros, of which 4 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4 in Serbia, 3 in Albania, 3 in North Macedonia, 3 in Kosovo, and 3 in Montenegro.
The duration of the granted grants will be up to 15 months, reports RAIS.
The general goal of the Small Grants Program corresponds to the specific goal of 3 projects: To strengthen the participation of local initiatives and CSOs and to increase the participation of citizens in PAR at the local level. Thematically and by achieving specific results, the projects supported through the Small Grants Program will be strongly integrated into the general structure and goals of WeBER 3.0 and will directly contribute to the achievement of the general goal of the project.
You can find and download more detailed information about the public call and the necessary documentation for application HERE.