Judging by the action plan for public administration reform, it is necessary to provide 60.2 million BAM by the end of 2022, which is almost impossible, especially if we take into account that the Public Administration Reform Fund has more than ten million BAM, which due to they do not use the non-existence of a political agreement, Nezavisne novine writes.
What is interesting is that in 2018, the Council of Ministers of BiH made a decision on drafting an Action Plan for Public Administration Reform, but this document for the period from 2018 to 2022 was adopted only in December last year and was published a few days ago. in the “Official Gazette of BiH”.
“The strategic framework and action plan are budgeted at 60 million BAM. It is planned to provide funds with donor support and the participation of local authorities of up to ten percent,” Dragan Cuzulan, coordinator for public administration reform, told Nezavisne.
He emphasizes that it is a pity that in BiH there is no agreement on the use of funds from the Public Administration Reform Fund, which contains ten million BAM, and that the goals set by the Action Plan will be difficult to achieve without political support.
“We are in the phase of implementing the Action Plan for Public Administration Reform, but this will require stronger political support from all actors, and the implementation and degree of implementation of public administration reform depends on that,” Ćuzulan emphasized.
As for the Public Administration Reform Action Plan itself, it is divided into five parts, namely policy making and coordination, civil service and human resource management, then the area of responsibility, and service delivery and public finance management.
Reforms related to the provision of services will cost the most money, namely 48.4 million BAM, while the development of policies and documents will cost 5.7 million BAM. It is planned to spend 3.5 million BAM for the area of responsibility, and 2.5 million BAM for the reform of the civil service and human resources management.
The most expensive project in the action plan is worth as much as 18.9 million BAM and refers to the introduction of one-stop systems at all administrative levels of government. The realization of this project would mean that everything is done in one place and that, as stated, “there is no wrong door” when it comes to administration. However, the Action Plan itself states that “the activity will be started, but will not be completed by the end of 2022.”
One of the more expensive projects that is planned to be implemented by the end of 2022 is the development of a web service for the exchange of data, messages and documents, which will cost a little more than 1.6 million BAM.
“The key burden placed on citizens and businesses is to take documentation from one and deliver it to another institution at the same or different administrative level. Therefore, the activity of exchanging data, messages and documents through the establishment of a web service is planned,” the Action said. public administration reform plan.
According to the Action Plan, the precondition for any public administration reform, acceleration of procedures and a one-stop shop system will be the introduction of e-signatures and e-identification and harmonization of laws and decisions governing this issue at all levels of government, which will be quite difficult given that this has been talked about for years, but without a solution yet.