The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina initiated the project “Public Private Partnership”, which aims at approximating the concept or public private partnership to a wider expert public.
The project is financed by the funds of the Public Administration Reform Fund, and one of the basic tasks is establishment of a functional environment for PPP through implementation of the necessary regulatory interventions in accordance with the European legislation standards and the best practices, and where necessary, support establishment of the necessary institutional solutions.
Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have a great experience in implementation of the PPP projects. The legal framework does exist, but it covers 12 laws. The fact is that such complex legal framework is conditioned also by a complex constitutional system of BiH. In order to achieve progress in implementation of the PPP projects, it is necessary to round up this legal framework and update certain legislative solutions. That is followed by a lack of development plan of this field, and the institutions also have no expert knowledge that would improve the process of preparation of these complex projects.
Therefore, the regional and the experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the representatives of the governments of the Federation of BiH, the Republic of Srpska and the Brčko District of BiH, now work on development and harmonisation of legislation in the field of PPP, training and capacity building of the administration bodies for implementation of the PPP projects, and training of the private sector on the possibilities for doing business within the PPP concept. Additionally, there is also an education of a wider public on the advantages the PPP projects would bring.
The public private partnership represents a long term partnership relationship between the public and the private partner, which implies provision of public services or satisfying a public interest, and/or the public need, through the PPP projects.
You can see the statement of the state public administration reform coordinator, Doc. Dragan Ćuzulan, PhD, on the importance of the PPP for BiH on www.javnoprivatnopartnerstvo.ba.
You can see on this link other useful materials from the field of Public Private Partnership.