The members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, at the session held today in Sarajevo, adopted the Annual Financial Report of the Public Administration Reform Fund for 2016.
Aneta Raić, head of the Unit for Donor Coordination, Finance, Monitoring and Evaluation in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office pointed out that by the end of the last year, the donors met all their obligations they accepted by signing the annexes III, IV and V to the Memorandum of Understanding for Establishment of the Public Administration Reform Fund.
She added that, as far as participation of the local authorities in co-financing of the PARF, the local authorities, during the last year paid to the PARF account the amount of BAM 395,000. In the last year, from the accounts of the Public Administration Reform Fund, a total of BAM 1,107,746 has been withdrawn. This money was spent for implementation of the projects from the field of public administration reform.
The members of the PARF JMB agreed with the initiative of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office to initiate the procedure to sign the Annex VI to the Memorandum of Understanding, in order to enable continuation of functioning of the Public Administration Reform Fund in the years to come as well.
The representatives of the project implementers held presentations of the inception reports for the projects “Training of Information / Public Relations Officers – phase II” and “Improvement of the Process of Training Needs Analysis and Evaluation of the Effects of the Training”, and presentation of the final report for the project “Training of Employees who Execute the Jobs of Civil Administration for Application of Information Technologies and Work on Computer”.