Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator and Nebojša Ninić, authorised representative of the company “Lanaco d.o.o.” Banja Luka, will tomorrow (12 April 2017) at 11.00 o’clock in the premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator (Vrazova 9, Sarajevo) sign the contract on implementation of the project “Upgrade and establishment of the system for government e-sessions”.
This is one more reform project from the area of e-Administration, and its objective is to enable the public administration institutions to operate in a more transparent and quicker manner through implementation of a stabile, efficient and secure system for management and monitoring of the government sessions.
The project is common for the level of the Republic of Srpska and the Brčko District of BiH. A specific purpose of the project is to upgrade the system for electronic management of the sessions with a unified communication and collaboration for the Government of the Republic of Srpska (100 users) and establish a system for electronic management of the sessions with unified communication and collaboration for the Government of the Brčko District of BiH (70 users).
The project is financed by the funds of the Public Administration Reform Fund, and it will be implemented in the next period of one year. The value of the contract is BAM 985,400.00, without the VAT.