The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, according to the recent research of fulfilment of the standards of proactive transparency, done by the Centre for social research Analitika, is the first ranking state institution regarding the transparency and publication of information.
“The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office has to be a role model to other institutions, because if we ask others to do something, we first have to implement it. Although we still do not have a clear legislative framework that would regulate a proactive transparency, and which would prescribe to the institutions that they are obligated to publish all information, the institutions could do that also alone, without anybody ordering them to, i.e. acting proactively and accepting it as their own strategic commitment. Transparency is one of the key objectives of the public administration reform and, as a principle, it goes through all the reform spheres. The authorities have to be more open, more accessible and proactively inform the public on what they do and how they spend the public incomes, and/or budget”, said Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator.
Within the Programme of Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH, which by the order of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is implemented by the GIZ, four beneficiary institutions (Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Directorate for European Integration, Statistics Agency of BiH and the Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance) initiated in mid 2015 the initiative for improvement of transparency in public administration. In cooperation with the civil society organisations, they designed the standards of proactive transparency in public administration in BiH, which defined 38 documents and specific types of information classified in six categories (budget, public procurements, strategic documents, operative, organisation, and information and documents prescribed by the Freedom of Information Act in BiH).