Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Wednesday 7 December 2016, starting at 12.00 noon, in the premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Vrazova 9, Sarajevo.
For the Session, the following Agenda is proposed:
- Verification of the Minutes of the 56th Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, held on 25 October 2016;
- Inception Report with presentation for the Project “Strengthening of capacities for strategic planning and policy development – phase II (SPPD II)”, with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Inception Report;
- Presentation of the Inception Report for the project “Implementation of Common Services for e-Services”;
- Presentation of the Final Report for the project “Upgrade of the Unified Information System for business registration in the Republic of Srpska through procurement of necessary HW infrastructure (back up servers)”;
- Project proposal “Functional Overview of the Capacities of Institutional Communication in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH” with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Project Proposal;
- Terms of reference “Functional Overview of the Capacities of Institutional Communication in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH” with proposal of the Decision on Accepting the Terms of Reference;
- Report on evaluation of procurement for the project “Improvement of the Training Needs Analysis Process and Evaluation of the Training Effects” with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Report on evaluation of procurement;
- Proposal of the Decision on Award of the Contract for the Project “Improvement of the Training Needs Analysis Process and Evaluation of the Training Effects” with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Proposal of the Decision on Award of the Contract;
- Information on the Decisions Enacted in the Procedure of Written Harmonisation in the period between the two sessions of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund;
- Miscellaneous.