After nine years in service, the PARCO web site received the new looks, functionalities, and the contents.
Based on the previous analyses of the web site contents, new looks has been adjusted to the internet users, so they could have the insight, in as easiest and as simplest possible manner, in the activities of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, as well as find out more on a very important process for our country – process of public administration reform.
With the information on the redesigned web site, the PARCO aims at contributing to a better understanding of the process of public administration reform, as well as showing that it is truly committed to proactive publication of information of public interest. Multitude of documents of public significance, found at the web site, demonstrate it.
Redesign of the website was assisted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the Programme of Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH, implemented by the GIZ.