Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator, signed today in Sarajevo the contracts for implementation of two reform projects: “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of civil service in BiH” and “Establishment and/or strengthening of the capacities of the institution/s for regulations control and administrative barriers reduction system establishment”.
The public administration reform coordinator signed the contracts for implementation of the projects with the director of the company “Zamm media consulting”, Muamerom Muftić (Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of civil service in BiH) and Seid Muraspahić, representative of the consortium Commerce Engineering d.o.o. Mostar, Commerce Media d.o.o., Materna Bulgaria and Teza Bulgaria.
“The objective of the project “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of civil service in BiH” is support to the processes of democratic stabilisation and reforms of public administration in BiH in the segment of building professional and ethical civil service, through increase in transparency in the work of administration, strengthening of integrity and awareness raising on the problem of corruption in the work of the civil services. Implementation of the project should ensure support to public administration reform in BiH and provide a contribution to implementation of the general objective in the reform areas of human resources management and institutional communication”, Ćuzulan pointed out.
He added that implementation of the project would implement several activities, and the most important ones are a theme public opinion research, development and implementation of the training programme on the problem of corruption in public administration, draft of the manual for employees in public service / administration bodies in BiH and implementation of public campaign and promotion of project activities and results.
Ćuzulan reminded that the governments in BiH committed themselves long time ago to direct their activities also to removal of the unnecessary administrative expenses that burden BiH citizens, as well as the business community. Better regulation is only one of the standards of the EU, and the biggest quantity of work in the field of better regulation (removal of administration barriers and regulatory impact assessment) has been done so far in the entities.
“The project was divided in four components: building of legislation and institutional framework for establishment of the administrative barriers reduction system at the levels of BiH and the BD BiH, building and/or strengthening of human resources for implementation of affairs of administrative barriers reduction and regulatory impact assessment at all administration levels in BiH, implementation of pilot projects for regulatory impact assessment and administrative barriers reduction with participation and consultation exercises of the civil society at the level of the institutions of BiH, the FBiH, the RS and the BD BiH, development of capacities of information technologies linked with administrative barriers reduction at the level of the FBiH and the RS”, he said.
Mr Muftić and Mr Muraspahić expressed their satisfaction with the start of implementation of the project, and they pointed out the importance of good cooperation with the institutions – project beneficiaries.
Implementation of the activities through the project “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of civil service in BiH” would fulfil several objectives from the reform areas of Institutional Communication and Human Resources Management, and implementation of the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of the capacities of the institution/s for regulations control and administrative barriers reduction system establishment” would contribute to fulfilment of the measures from the reform areas of Administrative Procedures and Administrative Services and Strategic Planning, Coordination and Policy Making.
Value of the project “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of civil service in BiH” is BAM 464.490, and value of the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of the capacities of the institution/s for regulations control and administrative barriers reduction system establishment” is BAM 1.261.728.
The money for financing of the projects, which are common for all four administration levels of authority, is provided from the Public Administration Reform Fund.