Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Monday, 9 November 2015, starting at 12.00 noon, in the premises of the Government of the Federation of BiH, Alipašina 41, Sarajevo (small meeting room 36/I).
For the session, the following agenda is proposed:
1. Verification of the Minutes of the 47th Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, held on 14 July 2015
2. Quarterly Report of the Public Administration Reform Fund for the period 1st July – 30 September 2015, with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Quarterly Report of the PARF
3. Proposal of the Guidelines on Amendments to the Guidelines for Use of the Funds of the Public Administration Reform Fund
4. Terms of Reference "Public Private Partnership" with proposal of the Decision on Accepting the Terms of Reference
5. Tender documentation for the contract on procurement of consultancy services for the project "Public Private Partnership" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Tender Documentation
6. Terms of Reference “Training of Public Relations Officers – Phase II” with proposal of the Decision on Accepting the Terms of Reference
7. Tender documentation for the Contract on Procurement of Consultancy Services for the Project "Training of Public Relations Officers – Phase II" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Tender Documentation
8. Information on Amendment to the Overall List of Projects by the Reform Areas of the RAP 1 and amendment to the list of priority projects for 2014 with proposal of the Conclusion
9. Project proposal "Upgrade of the Common Information System for Business Registration in the Republic of Srpska Through Procurement of the Necessary Hardware Infrastructure (backup servers)" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Project proposal
10. Terms of Reference "Upgrade of the Common Information System for Business Registration in the Republic of Srpska Through Procurement of the Necessary Hardware Infrastructure (backup servers)" with proposal of the Decision on Accepting the Terms of Reference
11. Minutes on Review and Evaluation of the Bids for the project "Specialist Training Programme for IT Managers" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Minutes
12. Proposal of the Decision on Award of the Contract for the Project "Specialist Training Programme for IT Managers" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Proposal of the Decision on Award of the Contract
13. Information on the Decisions Enacted in the Procedure of Written Harmonisation in the period between the two sessions of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund
14. Miscellaneous.