Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, number 43, will be held on Tuesday , 23rd December 2014. in the premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in Sarajevo. The session will start at 12.00 noon.
For the session, the following agenda is proposed:
1. Verification of the Minutes from the 42nd session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, held on 7 November 2014;
2. Proposal for annulment of the procedure of public procurement of consultancy services for implementation of the project “Building of Capacities for Combat Against Corruption in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH”, with proposal of Conclusion;
3. Proposal for annulment of the procedure of public procurement of services for implementation of the project “Specialist Programme of Trainings for IT Managers” with proposal of Conclusion;
4. Miscellaneous.