Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund will be held on Friday, 5 September 2014, starting at 12 noon, in the administrative centre of the Government of the Republic of Srpska (floor 10, meeting room), Trg Republike Srpske 1, Banja Luka.
For the Session, the following Agenda is proposed:
1. Verification of the Minutes of the 40th Session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, held on 26 May 2014;
2. Quarterly Report of the Public Administration Reform Fund for the period 1st April – 30 June 2014, with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Quarterly Report of the PARF;
3. Final Report on Implementation of the Project "Gender Responsible Budgeting" (Widening of the Budget Management Information System – BMIS by a software component for gender responsible budgeting) with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Final Report;
4. Information on the Condition of Implementation of the PAR in BiH Through the Projects Financed by the Funds of the Public Administration Reform Fund, with Proposal of Conclusions;
5. Information on Estimation of Duration of the Public Procurement Procedures for the Projects Financed by the Public Administration Reform Fund, with Recommendations for their Improvement and Proposal of Conclusions;
6. Tender documentation for the contract on procurement of services for the project "Design of Catalogue of Public Registers in BiH" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Tender Documentation;
7. Tender documentation for the contract on procurement of services for the project "Implementation of Common Services for e-Services" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Tender Documentation;
8. Tender documentation for the contract on procurement of services for the project "Specialist Training Programme for IT Managers" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Tender Documentation;
9. Report on Evaluation of Procurement for the Project "Training of Employees Who Execute the Jobs of Civil Administration for Application of Information Technologies and Work on Computer" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Report on Evaluation of Procurement;
10. Proposal of the Decision on Award of the Contract for the Project "Training of Employees Who Execute the Jobs of Civil Administration for Application of Information Technologies and Work on Computers" with proposal of the Decision on Giving Agreement to the Proposal of the Decision on Award of the Contract;
11. Information on the Decisions Enacted in the Procedure of Written Harmonisation in the period between the two sessions of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund;
12. Miscellaneous.