Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office issued the Rulebook on irregularity and/or corruption reporting, acting according irregularity and/or corruption notifications and protecting the employee who reports irregularities and/or corruption at the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office. Manners, channels, rights and obligations of persons who wish to report have been defined by this Rulebook.
Reporting irregularities and/or corruption can be confidential, which means that the identity of the person who reports is only known to the Commission or it’s anonymous, i.e. reporting without specifying the identity of the report submitter.
Irregularity or corruption can be reported to the Office in two ways:
a)by e-mail address prijavi.korupciju@parco.gov.ba and
b) by mail addressed to the Office noted "Do Not Open -irregularity notification".
Reporting is to be done by the reporting form.