Proposal for improvement of the existing Procedures of Finance Management of the PAR Fund was one of the topics of today’s meeting, held by the National PAR Coordinator, Semiha Borovac with PAR Coordinator from the Federation of BiH, Mirsada Jahić and Stojanka Ćulibrk, PAR Coordinator from the Republic of Srpska, PAR Coordinator from the District of Brčko BiH, Nenad Kojić and Mario Vignjević, representative of PAR Fund donors.
Zuhra Pasić, GIZ expert who provides professional assistance to PARCO, has presented the new Procedures of Finance Management of the PAR Fund, which precisely arrange financial management, planning, payments and allowances of the Fund, implementer’s reporting and monitoring implementation of agreements. The document also contains the unified forms to be used by implementers in their reporting and provide PARCO with better sight into all the activities undertaken through the project.
Once the comments have been processed, the document will be sent to the members of the Joint Management Board of the PAR Fund for deliberation.
Coordinators have supported implementation of the campaign, which is in the process of implementation by PARCO, in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). The campaign stipulates activities on increasing visibility of the public administration reform process among the institutions and government authorities in BiH.
One of the topics of this meeting was the information on present activities on adopting the document “Bases of development of the Action plan 2 of the Public Administration Reform” by the Government of the Federation of BiH and the Government of the Republic of Srpska. Support for drafting the Action plan 2 is one of the components of the Technical Assistance to PARCO Project “Support in Implementation and Coordination of Public Administration Reform in BiH“, financed by IPA. Therefore, the adoption of this document by the Government of the Federation of BiH and the Government of the Republic of Srpska is very important.