On Thursday, July 18, 2013, Semiha Borovac, national public administration reform coordinator, dr. Brigitte Heuel-Rolf, regional director of the German society for international cooperation – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Reinhard Lüke, SPI Program manager, have signed the SPI Implementation Agreement Annex. Signing of the document has been conducted in premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO) in Sarajevo. The period of the basic Agreement shall be extended by the Agreement Annex until the end of 2013.
The Implementation Agreement of this Program, between PARCO and GIZ, has been signed on November 10, 2011. Implementation of activities of this Program has so far included advisory services for partner institutions by international and local experts on the improvement of the processes inside institutions, training through work, development and application of informatics solutions, introduction of quality management methods and advising on strategic coordination and monitoring of reform measures. Each one of the mentioned activities has an objective of improving the effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and orientation towards clients in partner institutions.
In the beginning, besides PARCO, the Program has been focused on four public institutions: the Central bank of BiH, the Agency for Statistics of BiH, the Agency for public procurements of BiH and the Agency for pre-primary, primary and secondary education of BiH, and in the past period, through different types of program activities, the Program has also included the Directorate for European Integrations, the Civil Service Agency of BiH, the Higher Education Agency and the Procurement Review Body.