At the session held today in Sarajevo, the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund in Bosnia and Herzegovina has approved the project "Business Registration Reform Road Map".
The objective of the project "Business Registration Reform Road Map" is to increase the concurrence of BiH economy in general and stimulate business entities by increasing efficiency, effectiveness, quality, flexibility and transparency of services provided to business entities, through applying informational and communication technology in restructuring public administration.
The mentioned project will create a complete road map, harmonized with all relevant interested parties, in order to enable initiation and management of affairs with public administrations in BiH, through the unified point of contacts and electronically.
At the end, this project contributes directly to the possibility to register a company at one location either electronically, i.e. online, or at one physical location with significantly less time consuming procedure and total costs, which increases concurrence in BiH in attracting the foreign investments and the whole business ambient.
The project proposals for the project "Strengthening BiH Capacities for Strategic Planning and Policy Development – phase II" and the project "Public Private Partnership (PPP)" have been adopted at today’s session as well.
Objective of the project "Strengthening BiH Capacities for Strategic Planning and Policy Development – phase II" is strengthening the process of strategic planning and public policy making in public administration bodies, with a goal of providing better public services to citizens in BiH and providing support in the process of integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union.
Objective of the project "Public Private Partnership (PPP)" is the establishment of the functional public private partnership system in BiH in accordance to the European legislation, standards and best European practices.
The Joint Management Board of the Fund, besides other, has adopted the Quarterly report of the PAR Fund for the period April 1 – June 30, 2013.