Public Administration Reform Coordinator in BiH, Semiha Borovac, was a guest of the TV magazine “Euroimpuls“ on BHT1. The ocasion of conversation was completion of implemenatation of the project “Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH”. On that occasion, Borovac said that the project "Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH” was one of the most important ones and it was implemented in cooperation with the Directorate for European Integration.
"By signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, BiH is obligated to harmonize its legislation with European one. All laws that have been passed since 2008 must comply with the EU legislation. That is one of the most difficult and responsible jobs that is in front of our country. This job requires trained civil servants with the knowledge and skills in order to better harmonize our regulations with European ones. This project was supposed to create those conditions and enable and facilitate the harmonization of regulations for the civil servants in the process. Therefore, about 400 civil servants from all four levels, passed the trainings on transposing EU legislation into our legal system," said Borovac.
The aim of the project "Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH" was finding a common manner of methodology of drafting and approach of transposing EU legislation in the legal system of our country.
"That is the only way to avoid cases that some levels of government in different ways by different methods accept the transposition of EU legislation. We are a complex state and we must respect the competencies of all the levels of government. Therefore, it is good that a standpoint is crystallized that we, as the basis, respect our legislation, with application of methods that are a good practice of European countries," noted coordinator Borovac.
She also mentioned the current state of public administration reform in BiH, and said that so far about 50 percent of the measures from the PAR Strategy and the Action Plan 1 have been fulfilled, as common documents for all four administrative levels.
“In this process, it is very important that the reform is implemented on the basis of a one document and simultaneously at all four levels. The institutions are responsible for implementing reforms, and coordination and support of implementation are the tasks of the Office. The entity coordinators and the coordinator of the Brčko District, of course, help us with all this," said Borovac.
You can see the broadcast here.