Starting from today, all the information on establishment, competencies and work of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption will be available to public over the website www.apik.ba.
The website of the agency represents the first step towards transparency in work of this institution, which will serve BiH citizens.
BiH citizens will be able to find all the data on establishment, competencies and scope of the agency’s work, key terms and news from country related to corruption, laws, the Strategy for Combat against Corruption (2009-2014) and the Action plan for implementation of the Strategy, international documents and conventions which deal with the corruption area, as well as the future projects which will agency work on.
Besides that, citizens will have the possibility to report the corruption electronically through the form which will be available on website of the agency. It will be possible to report corruption by mail and in person as well.
Website will also offer the answers to the question "How against corruption?", they will have the opportunity to express their proposals and suggestions on improving the combat against this kind of crime in BiH, and the info-graph and map showing the presence of corruption in world countries will be available as well. Received suggestions and proposals will be deliberated and taken into consideration in the future agency’s work.
"We are undertaking maximal efforts in building the agency, which should become a leading authority in BiH in prevention and coordination of combat against corruption. In this moment, we are waiting for the consensus on the Proposal rulebook on internal organization, and adopting a planned budget for 2012 as well. After that, we will be able to respond to expectations of citizens and start executing tasks set in from of us", has been said by director of the agency, Sead Lisak.
Considering the fact that the agency, besides director, two deputies and several persons employed through the special service contract, is not filled with qualified personnel yet, the telephone number to be used by citizens for reporting corruption will be available once the personnel which will work on elaborating reports has been employed.
It is important to mention that the website has been created by financial assistance of the EUPM and that the agency has not had expenditures in this project. (apik.ba)