The project "Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH" has been finalized today. At the final conference, held in the hotel "Europe" in Sarajevo, experts of the ZAMM media CONSULTING d.o.o. Company, which has implemented this project, have presented the progress, results and significance of this project at all government levels in BiH.
The project has been implemented in the period from December 8, 2010 to February 7, 2012 and financed by funds of the Public Administration Reform Fund in BiH. The project objective was improving the process of harmonization of local legislation with the EU legislation, which would accelerate the process of getting our country closer to the EU.
"Implementation of this project contributes to execution of measures from the Revised Action plan 1 of the PAR Strategy in BiH in the area of Strategic Planning, Coordination and Policy Making. During the project, 348 civil servants who have been included in legislation activities (at state level, institutions at level of the FBiH, the RS and the BD BiH) have passed the training. Through the workshops, courses, seminars and direct trainings at workplace, the project has enabled civil servants for acquiring necessary knowledge and mastering necessary skills, in order to be able to respond to demands of transposition of legislation going from translating to formulating actions and fitting in certain legal solutions into an optimal framework" has been said by Semiha Borovac, State PAR Coordinator in BiH.
One of the results of this project is publication "Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH – summary of training materials". Publication has been created on the basis of topics elaborated through trainings and it consists of 13 chapters in the frame of which one or more topics have been elaborated, and it should serve the civil servants who work in affairs of harmonization of legislation, provide basic information on the EU institutions, as well as the methods and techniques of taking over the EU legislation.
Thanks to the SensService Multimedia News Network, you can see the statement of Mrs. Borovac here . Statements to media have also been given by the key expert of project, Professor Gorazd Trpin . You can also find the statements of project beneficiaries, Mrs. Fazila Musić from the Ministry of Justice of BiH, Mr. Mensur Hadžimusić from the Office of the Government of the FBiH for Legislation and Harmonization with European Union Regulations, Mr. Nebojša Kuruzović from the Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation of the RS, as well as Mr. Adnan Pašalić from the Legislation Office of the Government of the BD BiH.