In organization of the Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency – SERDA, the Ministry of Justice of BiH and the TACSO project, on February 28, 2012 held has been an info day on possibilities of participating in the "Europe for Citizens" program.
For several years, SERDA has been working on strengthening its own capacities and the capacities of its establishers (Canton of Sarajevo, City of Sarajevo and local communities SMR), with a goal of enabling them for better usage of the European funds. Therefore, today’s info day has been organized in order to present the "Europe for Citizens" program to potential applicants from the Sarajevo macro-region.
This program is a program of the European Union, whose objective is an active European citizenship and providing support for inclusion of citizens in the process of the European Integration. All the local government authorities, civil sector organizations, non-government organizations, educational institutions … can participate in the program. The total budget of program for the period 2007-2013 is 215 million Euros.
This is one of the simplest programs of the Community and it represents a good basis for all those who want to prepare the projects and use the funds of the EU, special funds which will be at our disposal once our country receives the Candidate Status and becomes the EU Member State.
Expected is signing of the Memorandum on Understanding with the European Commission, which is currently in the process of the final agreement. This way, potential beneficiaries from BiH will be able to apply through open calls from the European Commission.
More information can be found on website of SERDA .