On Saturday, January 28, in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Law in Kiseljak held has been the scientific meeting with international participants called "Aspects of Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina". The meeting’s objective has been the approach of experts from the area of administrative law and other scientific disciplines to all the public administration reform problems in BiH as one of the precondition for the European Union accession, as well as pointing at the experiences of countries of the region in this area.
The participants have tried to give an answer to the condition of public administration in BiH and to reach a higher level of PAR process and the presence of modern tendencies in this area, as well as the effects which are expected once the reform has been finished. Speeches have been held by professionals from faculties from Rijeka, Skopje, Osijek, Novi Sad, Sarajevo, Zenica, as well as the guests from public institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Hosts and organizers of meeting, Ajla Škrbić MSc and Provost for international cooperation at the University in Travnik, Šaban Nurić PhD and the Dean of the Faculty of Law in Kiseljak, Mensur Kustura DDr and Deputy Minister of Education of the SB Canton, Zoran Matošević have greeted the participants, and then the State PAR Coordinator in BiH, Semiha Borovac, has given the introductory speech.
Mrs. Borovac has spoke of the PAR process in BiH, achieved results, completed and ongoing projects and plans for this year.
Once all the speeches have been done, as well as the discussion between them, the Dean of the Faculty of Law in Kiseljak has concluded that the meeting has been successful, that many questions related to the PAR in BiH have been answered and many new questions have been opened.