FENA: Realization of the project with the objective of building capacities for combat against corruption in civil service will be one of the priorities of the State Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in the upcoming year.
This has been said for Fena by the State PAR Coordinator, Semiha Borovac, by answering the questions on what has been done in the public administration reform in 2011 and what has been planned for 2012, especially in the context of getting BiH closer to the European Union.
She has said that the main task of the Coordinator’s Office in 2011 was a revision of the Action plan 1 of the PAR Strategy in BiH, the document which contains clearer measures and objectives which should be executed by the government institutions in BiH by the end of 2014, in order to adapt the BiH administration to the European Administration Area.
The emphasis in the public administration reform in this year has been given to trainings, acquiring knowledge and skills of civil servants at all four administration levels, in order to make their work more professional and efficient, Borovac has said.
Through the project "Training of Civil Servants for Application of Information Technologies and Work on Computers", with the objective of bettering a digital literacy of civil servants, 1.600 employed in government authorities have passed the training. Four hundreds civil servants have been educated on manners, types and techniques of harmonizing BiH legislation with the EU legislation, through the project "Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH".
In a frame of the project "Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service of BiH", 591 senior civil servants have passed the training, while 61 civil servants have obtained the trainer title in this area.
By this project, improved has been the performance management system in work of civil servants, which will bring to more objectivity in assessing the work and increasing the motivation of civil servants, Borovac has said.
The Council of Ministers of BiH and the Government of the Republic of Srpska have adopted the Administrative Decision Making in Bosnia and Herzegovina Quality Improvement Program in BiH, which will significantly improve the administrative procedure in the administration – citizen communication.
In a frame of the ongoing project "Improvement of Rules and Procedures for Legal, Other Regulation and General Documents Drafting in BiH", drafted have been the Nomo-technical rules for legal, other regulation and general documents drafting, adapted to the European standards. Expected is also determining a number of training participants, who work directly on law drafting.
Also, in the process of realization are the projects "Blueprint of Development of Central Bodies of Governments in BiH", "Design and Establishment of Interoperability Framework and Standards for Data Exchange" and "Budget Management Information System" (BMIS). Objectives of these projects are improving a structure, capacity and work of government secretariats, creating a basis for establishing the data exchange standards as well as establishing a more efficient, exact and transparent budget management through the information system.
Borovac points out that the objectives of these projects have been in accordance with the best European practices.
– In this year, we have developed the system of monitoring and reporting on implementation of the Revised AP1, as well as the system of monitoring the projects from the Public Administration Reform Fund, which enables us for more efficient monitoring of successfulness of projects, she has said.
For the next year, the State PAR Coordinator has announced a realization of the project "Capacity Building for Combat against Corruption in Civil Service of BiH", as well as the activities on strengthening institutional communication among the subjects working in the public administration.
We are also continuing our work on development of the AP2. Its objective is the establishment of better organizational structure of administration. Preparations for this project have been done this year, has been said by Borovac.