At the session held today in Brčko, the members of the Public Administration Reform Fund Joint Management Board in BiH have supported the project "Capacity Building for Combat against Corruption in Structures of Civil Service in BiH".
Semiha Borovac, National PAR Coordinator has pointed out that, besides the execution of measures from the PAR Strategy and the new Revised Action plan 1, the realization of this project will contribute to the execution of general and specific categories of the objectives determined in the Strategy for Combat against Corruption 2009-2014. The project will be financed by donor funds and it is common for all four administration levels (BiH, the Federation of BiH, the Republic of Srpska and the District of Brčko of BiH).
Stipulated time period for realization of this project is one year. Beneficiaries of this project are the civil service/administration agencies of BiH, the FBiH and the RS, the Sub-Department for Human Resources of the Brčko District of BiH, ministries of justice of BiH and the FBiH, the Ministry of Administration and Local Self Governance of the Republic of Srpska and the central information/public relations units of the Council of Ministers of BiH and entity governments and the Brčko District of BiH and all the employed in public institutions and government bodies at all levels.
Project encompasses three key activity groups:
1. training of civil servants on corruption issues in civil service, manners of its suppression, reporting and preventing, as well as international experiences in this area
2. drafting a comprehensive handbook for the employed in government bodies on rights and obligations of civil servants, which will also include the issues of ethics and integrity of civil servants and combat against corruption in civil service
3. implementing a thematic public opinion research on perception of corruption in civil service and implementing anticorruption public campaign.
The intention of project is to analyze the problem created by corruption in work of public services, promote ethic principles and the principles of good administration and civil service, as well as ensure a preparation and realization of training programs related to the combat against corruption, which are directed towards strengthening capacities of civil servants and development of efficient funds for facing this problem.
With the sustainability of project results as an objective, implemented will be the training “training of trainers” for civil servants who deal with education and professional advancement from the area of application of regulations on civil service, business ethics and combat against corruption. The project will develop new mechanisms and channels of communication between governments and institutions with the public, and enable the central units and civil servants for public relations for implementing the public opinion research and thematic promotion campaigns. The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office will through the public procurement procedure ensure services of professional consultants for realization of this project, and the project will be realized in a close cooperation with the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Combat against Corruption Coordination, as well as the representatives of beneficiary institutions from all government levels in BiH.
Besides other, the PAR Fund JMB members have approved the proposal Decision on Contract Award for the procurement of consultancy services for implementation of the project "Establishment of Modern Departments of Human Resources Management in the Bodies of Administration in BiH". The project objective is ensuring a support for the public administration reform process and development of civil service in BiH through strategic transformation of existing personnel function in a direction of building the modern system and human resources management function in the institutions and bodies of administration in BiH.
Approved have also been the Project Proposal and the Terms of Reference "Training of the Officers for Public Relations – phase II". Beneficiaries of this project are the Information Service of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Office for Public Relations of the Government of the FBiH, the Bureau for Public Relations of the Government of the RS, the Office for Public Relations of the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, officers for public relations of government institutions at all levels.